25/02/2019BY admin ( 0 ) Comment
Entry into force of the Code of ethics for permit holders of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CCIC)
On June 22, 2022, the Government of Canada released the Code of ethics license holders of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (the code). The new Code has been in effect since June 10, 2022.
Under subsection 43(1) of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants Act (SC 2019, c. 29, s. 292) (College Act) the Minister must establish a code of ethics for permit holders. In May of last year, IRCC released a draft of the Code for public consultation. The College presented webinars to its licensees to provide them with an overview of the requirements set out in the draft Code and to gather their feedback for forwarding to IRCC. Many of these comments have been accepted by IRCC. Thus, the new Code now in effect differs significantly from the draft version presented in May 2021. Licensees should read the new Code carefully!
The new Code sets out the rigorous ethical and professional standards with which all license holders (RCICs and RISIAs) must comply. The Code replaces the previous RCIC Code of Professional Ethics and RISIA Code of Ethics. Where a provision of the new Code conflicts with the by-laws or College regulations, the provision of the Code shall prevail.
The College is developing an Interpretation Guide to help licensees understand and apply the provisions of the Code as required. The College will also provide webinars and other information resources to licensees from time to time.
Why choose an RCIC rather than a lawyer?
We'll help you understand the benefits of working with a regulated professional who is subject to a strict code of ethics.
Check that you are dealing with a licensed professional
Before retaining the services of an attorney, before sending him your personal documents or before paying him anything, check that he is recognized and authorized.
What to do in case of a scam or if you determine that your advice is not authorized?
Despite many warnings, some people continue to be scammed, especially on many social networks, and lose a lot of money when they don't simply see their immigration project fall apart. Learn how to avoid such scammers, and above all, do not hesitate to report them.